Articles by Laurence M. Vance on Foreign Policy

"Today Iraq, Tomorrow the World,", December 2005

"War, Foreign Policy, and the Church,", June 2007

"War, Gunboat Policy, and the Church,", July 2007

"Dr. Gates vs. Dr. Paul,", January 2008

"Can U.S. Foreign Policy Be Fixed?" Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, January 2011

"Michael Moore Is Right,", January 2011

"Egypt and U.S. Foreign Policy," Campaign for Liberty, February 2011

"Two Wrongs on Libya Won't Make a Right," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, June 2011

"Why They Hate Us,", September 2011

"Condolences Yes, Assistance No," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, March 2011

"Korea Shows All that is Wrong with U.S. Foreign Policy," Freedom Daily, October 2011

"Is Ron Paul an Isolationist?" Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, January 2012

"Suppose,", February 2012

"Nuclear Hypocrisy," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, February 2012

"Buchanan Against the Conservatives,", March 2012

"No More Entangling Alliances," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, May 2012

"The Japan Problem," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, November 2012

"Thomas Jefferson vs. John McCain,", June 2013

"Being a Constitutionalist Is Not Enough,", September 2013

"An Individualistic Foreign Policy," FFF Daily, October 2014

"In Defense of NATO,", February 2015

"Time for a Nexit," FFF Daily, July 2016

"The United States, China, and Taiwan," FFF Daily, January 2017

"An America First Foreign Policy," Future of Freedom, June 2017

"Religious Freedom and U.S. Foreign Policy," FFF Daily, October 2018

"The Real Korean Question," FFF Daily, July 2019

"You Just Do It,", August 2019

"Monsters and U.S. Foreign Policy," Future of Freedom, October 2019

"The Impeachment Hearings Inadvertently Show the Insidious Nature of U.S. Foreign Policy," FFF Daily, February 2020

"Should We?" FFF Daily, January 2021

"Conservatives Give Bush and Trump a Free Pass on Afghanistan," FFF Daily, September 2021

"Why Not Abandon All Foreign Bases?", October 2021

"Boosting American Standing on the World Stage," Future of Freedom, January 2021

"Ron Paul Was Right about Ukraine," FFF Daily, February 2022

"What Americans Should Do If They Are Concerned about Ukraine,", March 2022

"Ukraine  and Taiwan," FFF Daily," April 2022

"Transform NATO without U.S. Help," FFF Daily, July 2022

"Ukraine Supporters Should Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is,", January 2023

"Should the United States Go to War with China over Taiwan?", April 2023

"The Terrible Truth about U.S. Foreign Policy," FFF Daily, May 2023

"'There Is No America First Case for Supporting Ukraine," Future of Freedom, September 2023

"What Trump Didn't Say about NATO," Future of Freedom, June 2024